1-Find the massof an ice cubeof edge 2cm. The densityof ice =900kg/m3

2-A beaker weighs 120g when empty and 280g when filled with kerosene. Find the volume of the beaker. The density of kerosene=800kg/m3

3-A metal ball weighs 1.8kg. The volume of the ball is 250cc. Find the density of the metal.

4-The capacity of an RD bottle is 50cc and its mass is24.5g when empty. Find its mass when it is filled with a liquid of density 800kg/m3

5-The mass of an empty RD bottle is 24.5g. Its mass is 74.4g when filled with water and 87g when filled with a liquid. Find the relative density of the liquid.


1. Mass,m = density * volume

density of ice = 900kg/m3

side of cube, l = 2cm = 0.02m

Volume of cube V = l3* = (0.02)3 = 8 *10-6 m3

So, m = 900*8 *10-6 

=>  m = 7.2 *10-3 kg

2.density of kerosene=800kg/m3

Mass of kerosene = 280-120 = 160g

Find volume using above formula.

3&4. Try yourself (1cc = 10-6 m3)

5. Mass of empty bottle = 24.5g

Mass of bottle with water = 74.4 g

Mass of bottle with liquid = 87 g

Mass of water = 74.4 - 24.5 = 49.9g =d1*V

Mass of liquid = 87 - 24.5 = 62.5g = d2 *V

relative density of the liquid = density of liquid / density of water

RD = d2*V/d1*V = d2/d1 = 62.5/49.9 = 1.25 

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