10 examples of diffusion in our daily life

  1. Perfume - perfume gas molecules diffuse into the air when put on so you can smell it.
  2. Air freshener/deodorant - same concept as above.
  3. Any smell (flower fragrance, garbage stink, body odor xD)
  4. Drop a drop of ink into a glass of water - the ink would diffuse
  5. Teabag diffusion - tea leaves diffuse through teabag to give the water its colour and taste of tea
  6. Cigarette smoke - it diffuses into the air and spreads throughout the room
  7. inflating a flat tire
    8.the odor of perfume spreading throughout a room
    9.a cylinder of oxygen stored under high pressure


10.The odor of perfume spreading throughout a room

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Perfume - perfume gas molecules diffuse into the air when put on so you can smell it.
Air freshener/deodorant - deodrant molecules diffuses into air when put on thats how we can smell it.
Any smell (flower fragrance, garbage stink, body odor etc.)
Drop a drop of ink into a glass of water - the ink would diffuse.
Teabag diffusion - tea leaves diffuse through teabag to give the water its colour and taste of tea.
Cigarette smoke - it diffuses into the air and spreads throughout the room.
aroma of food - it diffuses into air and spread into the air. smell of naphthalin ball - smell of naphthalin spreads into the air. smell of incence stick - the fragrance of incence stick get diffuses into air. smell of camphor - the camphor when burns get diffuses into air.

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) Any smell


3)Cylider of oxygen ( High Pressure)

4)Cigarette Smoke


6)Incense stick

7)Teabag diffusion

8)Odour of food

9) Napthalene

10) Camphor

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 its so simple 1. when we spray a perfume or room freshener the gas particles diffuse with the other gases present there and we can smell them!

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the diffusion of the odour of food from a kitchen and diffusion of suger in tea are perfect everyday example of diffusion

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consequences of diffusion in everyday life

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contents of diffusion

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  • 1
  • incense sticks
  • perfume
  • diffusion of smell of food
  • smell of lpg gas fromcylinder
  • cigarete
  • various gases from chimney
  • while cooking flavour of various spices
  • napthalene balls
  • oxygen diffuses from blood cells into blood streams
  • helium diffuses from the ballon into air
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a tea bag placed in a cup of hot water
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(1) Any smell


3)Cylider of oxygen ( High Pressure)

4)Cigarette Smoke


6)Incense stick

7)Teabag diffusion

8)Odour of food

9) Napthalene

10) Camphor
  • 2
1. Perfume 2.deodorant 3. Any smell 4. Camphor 5.air freshner 6. Tea bag 7. A ballon filled with hellium 8. Sugar cube in water 9. Bubbles 10. A drop of ink in water
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I think answer is perfume and agarbatti
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correct ans ishan
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Placing food colouring in a liquid will diffuse the colour
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