A ball hits the wall horizontally at 6.0 m/s . It rebounds horizontally at 4.4 m/s The ball is in contact with the wall for 0.040 seconds . What is the acceleraiton  of the ball ?

Hi Priyanka,

Here is the answer to your question,

Let ‘m’ be the mass of the ball which is moving towards the wall horizontally with a velocity 6.0 ms-1, after hitting the wall it rebounds back with a velocity -4.4 ms-1. The negative sign indicates the change in direction of the ball (as the ball rebounds back so its direction after hitting the wall is opposite to that of its initial direction).

To find the acceleration of the ball, we shall first find the change in momentum of the ball, equate it with the impulse on the ball due to the wall, and then use Newton’s 2nd Law to find the acceleration of the ball.

Hope this answers your question,


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-4.4-6/0.040= -260m/s^2

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this can also be solved as acc.= change in velocity  / time 

  =   -4.4 m/s - 6 m/s  =10.6m/s    

acc= -10.6/.04= -260m/s2

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