A carrom board (4ft x 4ft) has a queen at the centre. The queen hit by the striker moves to the front edge, rebounds and goes into the hole behind the striking line. Find the magnitude of displacement of the queen (a) from the centre to the front edge (b) from the front edge to the hole (e) from he centre to hole.


problem is pictorially depicted above

(a). magnitude of displacement of queen from the center of front edge is OB which is equal to the half length of the edge of carrom 

 ie OB=2ft.

(b).  from the front edge to the hole:

 in right triangle ABC from Pythagoras theorem we have,

 BC2 = AC2 + AB2

 = 42 + 22

 = 20

  =  4.47ft


(c).form the center to the hole:

 in right angled triangle DOC 


  • -40

simply its a square and the displacement made is from centre to the hole........tus the displacement so performed is half the length of diagonal...and diagonal is 4root 2 and its half is 2root2 thus ans is 2root 2

  • -30
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