A cylindrical pipe has inner diameter 7cm and water flows through it at 192.5litres per min. Find the rate of flow in kilometres per hour.

Diameter of cylindrical pipe = 7 cm

∴ Radius of cylindrical pipe

Volume of water flows in 1 min = 192.5 l

∴ Volume of water flows in 1 hour = 192.5 × 60 × 1000 cm3   ......(1)

Let l be the distance covered by water in 1 hour

Volume of water that covers the diameter of 1 hour = πr2l    .....(2)

(1) and (2) ⇒ πr2l  = 192.5 × 60 × 1000

i.e. distance covered by water in 1 hr is 3 km

∴ Rate of flow of water = 3 km/hr

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