a lion escapes from the zoo and is chased through the park and road before it is recaptured in the school compound. imagine that you were involved in recapturing the lion and describe the pert by you in recapturing the lion.



This has been given to test your writing and creative skill. We would recommend you make an effort to write this kind of answer of your own. However we are sharing few pointers below:

  • The lion was an old one.
  • It lived in the Alipur Zoo.
  • The guards by mistake had kept the door open after giving it food.
  • The lion managed to flee.
  • The guard noticed it after sometime.
  • Everyone was alerted. Information was sent to the nearby police station also.
  • Announcements were made in the town about the lion. Everyone was asked to give information about it.
  • People were sent to every corner for the search.
  • Initially there was no news.
  • At last we got information from a school guard that it has entered their campus.
  • We hurried there.
  • A trap was set up and finally we managed to catch it.

  • 6
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