A man with blood group A marrries a woman with blood group N. Their son has blood group O. what conclusion can you draw from this information about blood group inheritance? Should the couple decide to have more children?

Dear student.

Your question is not clear and appears to be incomplete. There is no blood group called N. Recheck your question and do get back to us.


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The woman has either blood group A or O.
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either a or o
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as we know that there are two genes in a pair and one has reccessive and donibant gene in a pair so i can conclude that in women there are 2 gene A and O so women has dominant A on O and similarly man has two gene N and O so in reproduction process O comes from both men and women so children has O blood group
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but if the woman has A blood group ..then the child should have A as his blood group .. so ..it can't be A .. woman has the blood group O maybe
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