A solid cone of base radius 10cm is cut into two parts through the mid-point of its height , by a plane parallel to its base. find the volumes of the two parts of the cone

let the height of the cone be H and the radius be R.

this cone is divided into two parts through the mid-point of its axis. therefore AQ=1/2 AP

since therefore triangle AQD is similar to the triangle APC.

by the condition of similarity

volume of the cone ABC=


volume of the frustum=volume of the cone ABC-volume of the cone AED

volume of the cone AED=


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Given: Cone ABC is divided into two parts by drawing a plane through the mid point to axis parallel to the plane

⇒ O ' is the mid point of AO

⇒ AO ' = OO '


Let the radius of base and height of the cone ABC be 2r and 2h

Clearly ∆AO 'B ∼ ∆AOC

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