a) What are the basis of putting plants and animals in two different categories? Write one main difference between fungi and plantae.

b) Classify the following in their respective phylum / class; Jellyfish, Earthworm, Cockroach, Rat.

There are different basis of classification of plants and animals-

1. Mode of nutrition- Plants are autotrophic and animals are heterotrophic.
2. Presence or absence of cell wall- Plant have cell wall made up of cellulose whereas animals lack cell wall.
3. Locomotion- Plants do not show locomotion whereas animals show movement as well as locomotion.
Fungi are heterotrophic cannot synthesize its own food whereas plantae are autotrophic can prepare its own food.
S.No Organism Phylum Class
1. Jellyfish  Coelentrata or cnidaria Scyphozoa
2. Earthworm Annelida Oligochaeta
3. Cockroach  Arthopoda Insecta
4. Rat Chordata Mammalia

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