AB is a diameter of the circle ,CD is a chord equal to the radius of the circle .AC and BD when extended intersect at a point E. prove that AEB=60





  Join OC, OD and BC.

Triangle ODC is equilateral 
Therefore, ∠ COD = 60°
Now, ∠ CBD  = half of ∠ COD 


This gives ∠ CBD = 30°
Again, ∠ ACB = 90° 
So, ∠ BCE = 180° – ∠ ACB = 90°
Which gives ∠ CEB = 90° – 30° = 60°, i.e. ∠ AEB = 60
Thumbs up please

  • 16

How can you answer to a nameless figure in maths..and expect thumbs up...???

  • 6

How would we understand without the figures being named? :|

  • 3
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