among the folowing which contain lowest no of atom
1)5.4g of AL
2)2g of carbon
3)0.6g of Mg
4)0.88g of  Ca

1) Molar mass of aluminium = 27 g
27 g of aluminium contains = 6.022×1023 atoms
5.4 g of aluminium contains = 6.022×102327×5.4 =1.20×1023 atoms

2) 2 g of carbon contains = 6.022×102312×2 =1.003×1023 atoms

3) 0.6g of Mg contains = 6.022×102324×0.6 =0.150×1023 atoms

4) 0.88 g of  Ca contains = 6.022×102340×0.88 =0.132×1023 atoms

5.4 g of aluminium contains max number of atoms.


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