arrange the following alkali metal ions in decreasing order of their mobility:


Dear Student

The given alkali metal ions can be arranged in order of their decreasing ionic mobilities in the following way.
Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+
This can be explained as follows:
Li+ being smaller in size gets heavily hydrated than other alkali metals. The extent of hydration decreases from Li+ to Cs+. As a result, the ionic radii in water decrease in the following order:
Therefore, Li+ has the lowest mobility in water.
Hence, the ionic mobilities of aqueous solutions of alkali metal decreases in the following order:
Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+
Hope, this answers your question.

  • 13
Increase in at.num size increases
  • 0
Cs+?> Rb+?> K+?> Na+?> Li+
  • 2
Cs+ > Rb+ > K> Na+ > Li+
  • 2
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