Ashok leaves his house at 20 minutes to 7 in the morning and reaches Komal's house in 20 minutes. They finished their breakfast 15 minutes later and leave for school, which takes another 35 minutes. At what time do they leave Komal's house to reach school.Experts please explain.

Answer :

From given information , we know  : Ashok leaves his house at 20 minutes to 7 in the morning .

So ,

Ashok leaves at 6 : 40 a.m . to komal's house  .


He  reaches Komal's house in 20 minutes. .

So, he will be at Komal's house at  6 : 40 + 00: 20  =  7 : 00 am

Now , They finished their breakfast 15 minutes .

So Time after they finished the breakfast  =  7 : 00 +  00 : 15  =  7  : 15 am  .

And then they leave for school .


Time when they leave Komal's house  =  7 : 15 am  ( Ans )

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