can you please derive the first law of thermodynamics??

 Δ U  =  q  +  W

Dear Student

First let me state the first law of thermodynamics for you.
It states that energy can neither be created nor can it be destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another.
In other words, the total energy of the universe, i.e., system and surroundings remains constant during any physical or chemical process.
Here, is a very simplified and step-by-step method of deriving this law mathematically.
Let us assume that a system having internal energy U1 absorbs a certain amount of energy q.
So, the internal energy becomes q + U1.
If w is the amount of work done on it, then the internal energy changes to U2.
Now, final internal energy (U2) becomes U1+ q+ w
So, U2 = U1+ q+ w
Or, U2 - U1 =  q+ w
Or, ∆U=  q+ w
So, in the above manner the first law of thermodynamics can be derived mathematically.
Hope, this derivation is helpful to you.
Best wishes!!

  • 11

 this derivation is clearly given in 11th chem. ncert  in chapter 6 ( thermodynamics). on 2nd or 3rd page. u can see there it will be very helpful for u.

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