character sketch of krishtka

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Krishtakka was the grandmother of Sudha Murty,the narrator of the story.She was an illiterate woman  and therefore every wednesday her 12 years old  grand daughter used to read the novel 'Kashi Yatre'to her. She liked the story a lot as she could relate her as the protagonist of the novel. Later it motivated her to be an educated human being.

Besides these she was a determined lady too which at last made her independent.

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krishtakka was the grandmother of sudha murty she related herself to the protagonist of the story in kashi yatre she was illiterate but always had the urge to study  .she overcame the age hurdle .she was determined as she kept saraswati pooja at dassera as the deadline for reading it  on her own. she wanted to become independent she had moral values as touched her grandadughter's feet as a teachernot her grandadughter.she was very brave and strong as she lost her mother whwn she was young her father was a busy man and he got married there was noone to guide or care about her and that time education for women was not  considerd essential she was not selfish as she din't got a cahnce to study but she made sure that her children and grandchildren got full education and she was not materialistic as she said we're well foo but what use is monney when we  do not have the knowledge ahe was kind concerned affectionate and at the compleed her aim , goal .

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 I want some good ending lines lines for my grandmother's character sketch

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need gud starting and ending lines

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Do any one know about her
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I also want that character sketch
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