character sketch of Mrs.Packletide , Miss.Mebbin , loona bimberton

Hope the following hints would help you frame the character sketches of the mentioned characters:

Mrs. Packletide was an English lady of high tastes. She came to know that her friend Loona Bimberton had recently been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator. She was smitten with great jealousy. Mrs.Packletide wanted to outshine her. She had a strong desire to do something for belitting Loona 's adventure. So she decided to hunt a tiger and to procure his skin. If successful in doing so, her photographs would appear in the papers.

There are very few similarities between Mrs. Packletide and Loona Bimberton except for the fact that they both earned name and fame by killing a tiger and an Algerian aviator respectively. They were both very proud and would talk of nothing else than their accomplishments. However, point to be noted here is that Loona was not guided by harvesting jealousy against anyone else while Mrs. Packletide was motivated by sheer dislike for Loona.

Loona Bimberton was already too humiliated by Mrs. Packletide when the latter shot a tiger. She completely understood that the main motive behind shooting a tiger was to outshine Loona. Even after that she was condescended upon when Mrs. Packletide gifted her a tiger brooch and an invitation for a luncheon. This was extremely too much embarrassment for her to bear against her self-esteem and pride.

Louisa Mebbin was a very shrewd and cunning character who knew how to grab a chance to gain wealth as and when opportunity knocked at her door. She can be called an opportunist. Louisa Mebbin here uses a tone of blackmail of revealing Mrs. Packletide's secret of killing a tiger, just to extract some wealth from Mrs. Packletide. Mebbin persuade her to buy her a weekend cottage so that she keeps mum about the entire episode of whether Mrs. Packletide killed the tiger or did it die of a heart attack.

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