could you explain parallax method clearly?

Parallax Method:

When any object is seen from two different positions then there is a change in the position of the object with respect to the background . This phenomenon is named as Parallax. Here distance between two positions is called the basis.


When we hold a pencil in front of us against the background of a wall and look at the pencil first by our left eye A (closing the right eye) and then by our right eye B (closing the left eye), we find that position of pencil changes with respect to the background wall . This is called as Parallax.
Here AB = basis and angle AOB is called parallax angle.
So from the figure angle AOB = b/x where AB=b and AO=BO=x

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Parallax is defined as the change in position of an object with respect to the background when the object is seen from two different positions. 

Let me give you an example : Close  your left eye and place your finger right before your eyes at a distance and observe the background now close your right eye and see the background now. You will se a change your finger seems to move. But actually the background has changed. The closer you keep the finger the more prominent will be the change the farther you keep it the chnage will be less visible. This phenom,enon is called parallax. 

I hope you got it. 

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By the parallax method the positiojn of the object changes with the point of the view.

Let me give you an example : Close your left eye and place your finger right before your eyes at a distance and observe the background now close your right eye and see the background now. You will se a change your finger seems to move. But actually the background has changed. The closer you keep the finger the more prominent will be the change the farther you keep it the chnage will be less visible. This phenom,enon is called parallax.


I hope you got it.

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