"cowards die many times before their deaths". write your opinion on these words.

This statement is made by Caesar when his wife asks him not to go out due to the fear of the bad dream that she saw the previous night. Caesar, however, gloriously remarks that "cowards die many time before their death". Death, here ,is used as a metaphor for a sense of defeat that one feels when one tries to escape from a situation or is scared to confront it. It reflects the weakness of one/s character and a lack of gut or will power that prevents a person from bravely accepting and dealing with every situation that come their way. 

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When you look at just the first part of the quotation, "Cowards die many times before their deaths," try to think of how someone can actually "die many times" before they actually die. Right away, you realise that Shakespeare is using death as a metaphor (because a person can't physically die multiple times in a single lifetime). Here, he uses the metaphor of death to convey how a person feels inside when he or she runs away from a challenge. That person "dies" a little inside each time he or she chickens out, meaning that he or she loses a little strength of character each time he or she refuses to face a challenge of life.
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