Define Endosmosis and Exosmosis . Collect 5 examples from daily life .

  1. Exosmosis: Movement of water molecules out of a cell when the cell is placed in hypertonic solution.
  2. Endosmosis: Movement of water molecules into the cell when the cell is placed in hypotonic solution.

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five example of endosmosis and exosmosis

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examples of endosmosis and exosmosis

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 1 of em is with raisins, i guess, when we put raisins for 24 hrs in water, they get moisturised, and when we do the same with saline water, they dehydrate! i hope it helped! ^^

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 5 example of endosmosis

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Endosmoasis:- The movement of liquid from outside to inside is known as endosmosis. It takes place in hypotonic solution.

e.g:- When we put a raisin inside a bowl of water, the raisin swells up after a few minutes because the higher concentration inside the raisin.

Exosmosis:- the movement of liquid from inside to outside is known as exosmosis.

e.g:- When we put the raisin in concentrated solution of salt, the water comes out from the raisin..

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