Dear student
Spore Formation is a common method of asexual reproduction in many lower forms of life... like bacteria , fungi etc.. it occurs mostly during unfavourable conditions such as extreme heat , dryness etc.. 

The spores are asexual reproducing bodies enclosed in a thick walled structure called sporangium.. on return of favourable conditions the sporangium wall bursts and the spores are released.. 

Within the sporangia are spore producing cells called sporogenous cells.

These cells undergo meiosis to form haploid spores. The spores on most ferns are the same size and perform the same function. Therefore ferns are known as homosporous plants. The sporangia are usually in clusters known as sori, found on the underside of the fern leaves.

When the spores are mature, they are released from the sporangia. If a spore lands on a suitable site, it will germinate and grow via mitosis into a mature gametophyte plant. 

Image result for spore formation in pteridophytes

Hope this information will clear your doubt about the topic.

  • 35

A mode of reproduction resembling multiple fission, common among Protozoa, in which the organism breaks up into a number of pieces, or spores, each of which eventually develops into an organism like the parent form.

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when a slice of bread is kept in moist dark place for a ferw days, spores of RHIZOPUS present in air settle on the bread to form new fungus plants of Rhizopus.

                  The Rhizopus consist of fine thread-like projections called hyphae. It has a knob like structure which is involved in reproduction called sporangia, containing spores, that develop into a new Rhizopus.

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thanks to all

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