Derive efficiency of carnot engine and carnot theorem..

in isothermal expansion:


q1= 2.303 log10v2/v1 RT1

gas expands at the cost of internal energy

adiabatic process so

w2= r(t1-t2)/y -1


in isothermal compression:


q3= -RT2 2.303 log10 v3/v4

at insulating stand:

w4= -R(t1-t2)/ y -1

total work done= w1+w2+w3+w4

W= 2.303log10v2/v1 - 2.303 log10 v3/v4


W= q1-q3

n = w/q1= 1- q2/q1

n= 1-( RT2log v3/v4) /(RT1log v2/v1)

v3/v4= v2/v1 bcoz it is in isothermal n adiabatic compression as well as expansion.

n= 1-( t2/t1)

  • 10

thnxx for ue concern and help..

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