describe calpurnia dream. how did she interupt

Calpurnia dreams that Caesar has been assassinated and his statue has been transformed into a fountain from which blood was spouting. She also foresees all Roman citizens smilingly washing their hands in his blood. She sees include dead men walking, ghosts wandering the city, a lioness giving birth in the street and lightning shattering the skies.
She interprets her dream as warnings and dangerous signs. She tells Caesar not to ignore these.


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Calpurnia's dream was seeing the statue of Caesar, and blood spilling from it. Also, the citizens washed their hands in the blood. Calpurnia feared that this meant that Caesaer will die, and convinced Caesar to stay home. At first, Caesar was relucant to listen to her, but finally gave in to the superstition. Although, when Decius comes, he changes the interpretation of Calpurnia's dream, and convinces Caesar to go to the senate.
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