Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in france?

The causes of French revolution were three pronged.


1) Political cause: The rule of Louis XVI was of extravagance. When he became the king , he found an empty treasury . Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. Added to this was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles. Under Louis XVI, France sponsored the American rebellion against their common enemy, Britain. The war added more than a billion livres to a debt that had already risen to more than 2 billion livres.

2) Social cause - The french society was divided into three estates and only the third estate had to bear the burden of tax payment. Peasants made up about 90 per cent of the population. However, only a small number of them owned the land they cultivated. About 60 per cent of the land was owned by nobles, the Church and other richer members of the third estate. The members of the first two estates, that is, the clergy and the nobility, enjoyed certain privileges by birth. The most important of these was exemption from paying taxes to the state. The nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges. These included feudal dues, which they extracted from the peasants. Peasants were obliged to render services to the lord – to work in his house and fields – to serve in the army or to participate in building roads.

3) Economic cause - Production of grains could not keep pace with the demand. The price of bread which was the staple diet of the majority rose rapidly . Most workers were employed as labourers in workshops whose owner fixed their wages. But wages did not keep pace with the rise in prices. So the gap between the poor and the rich widened.Things became worse whenever drought or hail reduced the harvest.This led to a subsistence crisis, something that occurred frequently in France during the Old Regime.

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  1. The high taxes that were imposed onto to the 3rd estate people by king louis XVI
  2. The rise in population from 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789
  3. The baker's dozen
  4. Due to the pleabians not getting equal rights as the first two estates got
  5. Wages didnot incresse but the price of essential commodities increased
  6. No freedom of expression was given to the people of the third estate as they wern't considered important
  7. The division of the french society into different estates widened the gap between rich and poor
  8. third estate people were not allowed to enter Administrative or Government buildings
  9. The nobility moreover held important positions in the Government
  10. The frist two estates lived a life a life of luxury but the pleabians had to pay three types of taxes ; one to the clergy , one to the state and one to the landlords.
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The four main causes that led to the outbreak of French revolution were as follows-

1] Political causes -

  • The autocratic and despotic rule of the french kings drained the treasury.
  • Long years of war between France and Britain [ especially the 7 years war] was a very big problem. As France was defeated in this war, they had to pay a huge amount to Britain.
  • The cost of maintaining an extravagant court at Versailles.

2] Social causes -

  • The French society was divided into three - Clergy, Nobility and the third estates or the commoners.
  • The first two estates, ie, Clergy and Nobility, enjoyed certain privileges by birth.
  • These included exemption from paying taxes.
  • Only the Commoners had to pay taxes.

3] Economic causes -

  • Two types of tax collection was introduced. They were as follows
  • a] Tithe - The tax given by the commoners to the Churchs
  • b] Taille - The tax given by the commoners directly to the state.
  • The subsistence crisis also led to the outbreak of the French Revolution.

4] Psychological causes -

  • Some people of the third estate were literate and they told the common people that privileges should not be given by birth, but, instead, it should be given by looking at the social position or status of a person.
  • John Locke, in his book 'The two treatises of the government ', critizised the Divine Right Theory and the absolutism.
  • Rousseau, in his book 'The social contract ', tried to bring a relationship between people.
  • Montesquieu, in his book; The Spirit of the laws ', proposes the division of powers between legislative, executive and the judiciary.

5] The immediate cause -

The news that Louis 16 was going to increase the taxes further also led to the outbreak of the revolution.
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