differ btwin indigenous and modern games in india

Dear student,

Please find the answer to your query:

The following points will be helpful to you while framing your answer:
Indigenous Games Modern Games
1. These games were not designed just for the purpose of winning of a person or team playing in opposition. In contrast to the indigenous games, modern games result in clear cut winning or loosing of a team or participants.
2. They were designed to develop skills like logical thinking, building strategy, concentration and so on. The major goal of developing modern games is mostly recreation and profit - making by commercialising the same.
3. These games were environment friendly and provided chances to learn about the ancient cultural, history and tradition of the society. The present games do not have such deep roots and they lack to provide such opportunities.
4. e.g. Kabaddi, Kho Kho, Gilli Danda, Satoliya etc. e.g. Video games, Polo, Play stations, Online gaming etc.

Hope these points will be helpful to you and if you have more doubts then please get back to us on our forum.


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