Difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.




Size of the cell

Small in size

Vary is size, generally larger than prokaryotes


Nucleus with nuclear membrane is absent

A well-defined nucleus with nuclear membrane is present

Membrane-enclosed organelles

Organelles like mitochondria and plastids, which have a membrane around them are absent

Membrane-enclosed organelles like mitochondria and plastids are present

Cell wall

Cell wall is usually present in prokaryotes and is composed of peptidoglycan

Cell wall is usually present in plant cells and is composed of cellulose

Genetic material

Present as nucleoid

Present inside the nucleus

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-prokaryotic cellsdo not have a nucleus andeukaryotic cellsdo.- prokaryotic cells lack some organelles and eukaryotic cells do not.- prokaryotic cells are not found in humans and eukaryotic cells are.- prokaryotic cells are always unicellular and eukaryotic cells are often multicellular.- prokaryotic cells reproduce/divide bybinary fissionand eukaryotic cells reproduce/divide by mitosis/meiosis.Good luck !!

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Eukaryotic CellProkaryotic CellNucleus:PresentAbsentNumber of chromosomes:More than oneOne--but not truechromosome:PlasmidsCell Type:Usually multicellularUsually unicellular (somecyanobacteriamay be multicellular)True Membrane bound Nucleus:PresentAbsentExample:Animals and PlantsBacteria and ArchaeaGenetic Recombination:Meiosis and fusion of gametesPartial, undirectional transfers DNALysosomesand peroxisomes:PresentAbsentMicrotubules:PresentAbsent or rareEndoplasmicreticulum:PresentAbsentMitochondria:PresentAbsentCytoskeleton:PresentMay be absentDNA wrapping on proteins.:Eukaryoteswrap their DNA around proteins called histones.Multiple proteins act together to fold and condense prokaryotic DNA. Folded DNA is then organized into a variety of conformations that are supercoiled and wound around tetramers of the HU protein.Ribosomes:largersmallerVesicles:PresentPresentGolgi apparatus:PresentAbsentChloroplasts:Present (in plants)Absent; chlorophyll scattered in the cytoplasmFlagella:Microscopic in size; membrane bound; usually arranged as nine doublets surrounding two singletsSubmicroscopic in size, composed of only one fiberPermeabilityof Nuclear Membrane:Selectivenot presentPlasma membrane with steriod:YesUsually noCell wall:Only in plant cells and fungi (chemically simpler)Usually chemically complexedVacuoles:PresentPresentCell size:10-100um1-10um
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Size of the cell

Small in size

Vary is size, generally larger than prokaryotes


Nucleus with nuclear membrane is absent

A well-defined nucleus with nuclear membrane is present

Membrane-enclosed organelles

Organelles like mitochondria and plastids, which have a membrane around them are absent

Membrane-enclosed organelles like mitochondria and plastids are present

Cell wall

Cell wall is usually present in prokaryotes and is composed of peptidoglycan

Cell wall is usually present in plant cells and is composed of cellulose

Genetic material

Present as nucleoid

Present inside the nucleus

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