difference between unisexual and bisexual reproduction

  • Organisms possessing both female and male sexual organs are called bisexual.
  • Organisms possessing either male or female sexual organs are called unisexual.


  • In flowers, the stamen is the male sex organ and the pistil is the female sex organ. Flowers that contain both stamen and pistil are called bisexual flowers and plants that bear them are called bisexual plants. In these plants self pollination and cross pollination can occur.
  • Some flowers bear either the stamen of the pistil and are called unisexual flowers. These unisexual flowers in turn may be borne on the same plant or on different plants, and the plant with either male or female flowers is known as unisexual plants. In these plants cross pollination occurs.


  • Humans and other animals are unisexual and fertilization occurs through sexual reproduction among two individuals.

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