Difference Between- Vicious cycle and and virtuous cycle(3 points)

virtuous circle and a vicious circle are both economic terms that shows the effect of certain forces that causes a certain set of events. This causes and events follow in a loop. However, in virtuous cycle the results are positive and in a vicious cycle the events are not positive in economic terms. The poverty cycle is a vicious cycle and the creation of able human resource is  a virtuous cycle.

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Virtuous circle

Economic growth can be seen as a virtuous circle. It might start with an exogenous, or outside factor such as technological innovation. As people get familiar with the new technology, there could be learning curve effects and economies of scale. This could lead to reduced costs and improved production efficiencies. In a competitive market structure, this will probably result in lower average prices. As prices decrease, consumption could increase and aggregate output also. Increased levels of output lead to more learning and scale effects and a new cycle starts.



Vicious circle

Hyperinflation is a spiral of inflationwhich causes even higher inflation. The initial exogenous event might be a sudden large increase in international interest rates or a massive increase in government debtdue to excessive spendings. Whatever the cause, the government could pay down some of its debt by printing more money (called monetizing the debt). This increase in the money supply could increase the level of inflation. In an inflationary environment, people tend to spend their money quickly because they expect its value to decrease further in the future. They convert their financial assets into physical assets while their money still has some purchasing power. Often they will purchase on credit. Eventually, the currency loses all of its value. Because of this, the level of savings in the country is very low and the government could have problems refinancing its debt. Its solution could be to print still more money starting another iteration of the vicious cycle.

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virtuous cycle

vicious cycle

Self-propagating advantageous situation in which a successful solution leads to more of a desired result or another success which generates still more desired results or successes in a chain. For example, compound interest earned on a deposit keeps on generating ever greater amounts of interest.  called virtuous cycle

Self-propagating disadvantageous situation in which a solution(specially the one that does not addresses the root cause) leadsto another problemwhose solution, in turn, leads back to the first problem in a more severe form. For example, an attempt to avoid a confrontation to an unreasonable demand may encourage even more unreasonable demands.  called vicious cycle

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