difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?

Dear Student,

Following table summerises the differences between striated muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle:


Striated muscles
Smooth muscles
Cardiac muscles
Cells are cylindrical.
Cells are cylindrical.
Cells are cylindrical.
Cells are unbranched
Cells are unbranched
Cells are branched
These are voluntary muscles.
These are involuntary muscles.
These are involuntary muscles.
They contract rapidly and soon undergo fatigue.
They contract slowly and do not undergo fatigue.
They contract rapidly but do not undergo fatigue.
These muscles are present in our body parts such as the
hands, legs, tongue, etc.
These muscles control the
movement of food in the alimentary canal, the
contraction, and relaxation of blood vessels, etc
These muscles control the
contraction and
relaxation of the heart.

@Jagriti: Good answer!! Your answers are really helpful to all the users of this community. Keep writing!

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  Voluntary Muscles


These muscles involve the skeletal and smooth tissue muscles. They make the body able to move when the brain gives the order to move certain part of body. For example we move our arms our legs etc. As a voluntary action when we need to move them. And we can move these body parts at different angles as well. This is because the brain sends the order to these muscles to work.

Involuntary Muscles

The involuntary muscles involve cardiac tissues. These are connected to our verves. Nerves cannot be controlled on our own desires rather this process takes place as the power of the system. We don’t know when and in which part of the body some involuntary act is been done. Our brain also has the same muscles. So has the heart, the eyes, stomach. Some times when we touch something hot, we pull our hand at once; this is the involuntary act and is done by the involuntary muscle. The food intake id digested without our intervention as programmed commands.

An involuntary muscle is like your heart, you don't have to use your brain to tell it what to do, it just behaves reflexly and beats. Voluntary muscle refers to striated or skeletal muscles used for bending or picking up something.


hope so this help u

thumbs up plz...

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