Differences between alauddin khilji and muhammad bin tughluq

S.No. Alauddin Khalji Muhammad Bin Tughluq
1 Alauddin Khalji was from Khalji dynasty. Muhammad Bin Tughluq was from Tughluq dynasty.
2 His capital was Delhi. He shifted his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.
3 Alauddin built a new battalion town called Siri for his soldiers. Instead of constructing a new town, Tughluq ordered the people of Delhi to move to the new capital, Daulatabad and made the soldiers camp in Delhi.
4 He collected the harvest from lands as taxes from farmers to give food to his soldiers. But Tughluq charged extra taxes to sustain his large army and this led to food shortage.
5 Alauddin’s rule was consistent and prosperous as things were very easily made available at lower rates. His managerial actions were not very efficient. The relocation of people to Daulatabad, increased taxes and famine and all resulted in mutiny.

  • 110

i am sneha p.u it is there in our history text book .

  • -17
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