differentiate between animal and plant cell.

Plant cell vs Animal cell

1 A plant cell is usually larger in size. An animal cell is comparatively smaller in size. 2 Plant Cell is enclosed by a rigid cellulose cell wall in addition to plasma membrane.

Animal Cell is enclosed by a thin, flexible plasma membrane only.

3 plant cell cannot change its shape. An animal cell can often change its shape.

4 Plastids are present in plant cell. Plant cells exposed to sunlight contain chloroplast. However ,Plastids are usually absentin anmal cell.

5 . A mature plant cell contains a large central vacuole. An animal cell often possesses many small vacuoles.

6. Nucleus lies on one side in the peripheral cytoplasm in plant cell. Nucleus usually lies in the centre in animal cell .

7. In plant cells centrioles are usually absent except in motile cells of lower plants. Centrioles are practically present in animal cells

8. Lysosomes are rare in plant cell. Lysosomes are always present in animal cells.

9 Glyoxysomes may be present in plant cell. They are absent in animal cell.

10. Tight junctions and desmosomes are lackingin plant cell. Plasmodesmata is present. In animal cell tight junctions and desmosomes are present between cells. Plasmodesmata are usually absent.

11 .Plant cell reserve food is generally in the form of starch. animal cell reserve food is usually glycogen.

12. Plant cell synthesise all amino acids , coenzymes and vitamins required by them. Animal cell cannot synthesise all the amino acids, co enzymes and vitamins required by them.

13 .in plant cell spindles formed during cell divisions in anastral i.e. without asters at opposite poles. In animal cell spindle formed during cell division is amphiastral i.e. has an ester at each pole.

14.In plant cell cytokinesis occurs by cell plate method.In animal cell cytokinesis occurs by construction or furrowing.

15 Plant cell does not burst if placed in hypotonic solution due to the presence of the cell wall. Animal cell lacking contractile vacuoles usually burst, if placed in hypertonic solution.

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Plant cells have a cell wall and most plant cells contain chloroplasts and have a single large vacuole where as animal cells have none of these (although they might have many smaller vacuoles).

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  1.  One of the primary differences between animal and plant cells is that plant cells have a cell wall made up of cellulose.
  2. plant cells also are different from animal cells because they usephotosynthesis to covert sunlight into needed food for the plant.polant cells have chloroplasts, which has its own dna, essentially directing the work of the chloroplasts.
  3.  if one could view them under the microscope, appear extremely different than an animal cellbecause of the presence of a large vacuole, which exists in the cell’s cytoplasmAnimal cells have small vacuoles and may have numerous ones. They never have the large single vacuole that takes up most of the space in plant cells. 

The differences between plant and animal cells can become more complex, but the primary differences exist in the above-mentioned ways. To sum, animal and plant cells both have a nucleus, a cytoplasm, and a cell membrane. Plant cells also have a large cell vacuole, chloroplasts, a cell wall and a regular shape. Small vacuoles, no cell wall, varied shapes, and the absence of chloroplasts characterize animal cells.


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 Both animal and plant cells have some similar structural elements. First off they are both eukaryotic, which means they have a definednucleus. The nucleus contains chromosomes. It is protected and surrounded by the cytoplasm, which is a watery or gel-like liquid. Further, animal and plant cells have a cell membrane that surrounds the cell. This allows for the cell to exert control, in most cases, over what can penetrate the cell, and what cannot.

One of the primary differences between animal and plant cells is that plant cells have a cell wall made up of cellulose. This helps the plant cells to allow high pressure to build inside of it, without bursting. A plant cell has to be able to accept large amounts of liquid through osmosis, without being destroyed. An animal celldoes not have this cell wall. If you start to fill the animal cell with too much distilled water or other fluid, it will eventually pop.

Plant cells also are different from animal cells because they use photosynthesis to covert sunlight into needed food for the plant.Plant cells have chloroplasts, which has its own DNA, essentially directing the work of the chloroplasts.

Also plant cells, if one could view them under the microscope, appear extremely different than an animal cell because of the presence of a large vacuole, which exists in the cell’s cytoplasm. It usually takes up most of the room in the cell, and the membrane of the cell encircles it. It contains waste materials, water, and nutrients that can be used or secreted as necessary.

Animal cells have small vacuoles and may have numerous ones. They never have the large single vacuole that takes up most of the space in plant cells. As well, under the microscope plant cells often have a more regular shape. Animal cells tend to vary greatly in appearance.

The differences between plant and animal cells can become more complex, but the primary differences exist in the above-mentioned ways. To sum, animal and plant cells both have a nucleus, a cytoplasm, and a cell membrane. Plant cells also have a large cellvacuole, chloroplasts, a cell wall and a regular shape. Small vacuoles, no cell wall, varied shapes, and the absence of chloroplasts characterize animal cells.

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Plant and animal cells have some structural differences. For example, animal cells do not have a cell wall where as plant cells do. Both plant and animal cells have plasma membranes.

Comparison chart

 Animal CellPlant Cell
Cilia:PresentIt is very rare
Shape:Round (irregular shape)Rectangular (fixed shape)
Chloroplast:Animal cells don't have chloroplastsPlant cells have chloroplasts because they make their own food
Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth and Rough):PresentPresent
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Plant cell vs Animal cell Plant Cell Animal Cell 1 A plant cell is usually larger in size. An animal cell is comparatively smaller in size. 2 Plant CellIt is enclosed by a rigid cellulose cell wall in addition to plasma membrane. Animal CellIt is enclosed by a thin, flexible plasma membrane only. 3 It cannot change its shape. An animal cell can often change its shape. 4 Plastids are present. Plant cells exposed to sunlight contain chloroplast. Plastids are usually absent. 5 A mature plant cell contains a large central vacuole. An animal cell often possesses many small vacuoles. 6 Nucleus lies on one side in the peripheral cytoplasm. Nucleus usually lies in the centre. 7 Centrioles are usually absent except in motile cells of lower plants. Centrioles are practically present in animal cells 8 Lysosomes are rare. Lysosomes are always present in animal cells. 9 Glyoxysomes may be present. They are absent. 10 Tight junctions and desmosomes are lacking. Plasmodesmatais present. Tight junctions and desmosomes are present between cells. Plasmodesmata are usually absent. 11 Reserve food is generally in the form of starch. Reserve food is usually glycogen. 12 Plant cell synthesise all amino acids , coenzymes and vitamins required by them. Animal cell cannot synthesise all the amino acids, co enzymes and vitamins required by them. 13 Spindles formed during cell divisions in anastral i.e. without asters at opposite poles. Spindle formed during cell division is amphiastral i.e. has an ester at each pole. 14 Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate method. Cytokinesis occurs by construction or furrowing. 15 Plant cell does not burst if placed in hypotonic solution due to the presence of the cell wall. Animal cell lacking contractile vacuoles usually burst, if placed in hypertonic solution.
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animal cell:

1. animal cells are generally small in size.

2. cell wall is absent.

3. except the protozoan euglena, no animal cell possesses plastids.

4. vacoules in animal cells are many, small and temporary.

5. animal cells have a single highly complex and prominent golgi apparatus.

6. animal cells have centrosome and centrioles.

plant cells:

1. plant cells are larger than animal cells.

2. the plasma membrane of plant cells is surrounded by a rigid cell wall of cellulose.

3. plastids are present.

4. most mature plant cells have a permanent and large central sap vacoule.

5. plant cells have many simpler units of golgi apparatus, called dictosomes.

6. plant cells lack centrosome and centrioles.

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