differentiate between speed and velocity

Velocity: Velocity is defined as the displacement of a body produced per unit time.

Velocity=Displacement / Time.

It is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction. For example,The expression' 50km/hr towards North' is velocity as it has both magnitude as well as direction.

Speed:Speed is defined as the distance of a body travelled per unit time.

Speed= Distance / Time

It is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude . Example, The expression' 50km/hr' is speed as it has only magnitude.

For a moving body, Velocity can be zero but speed cannot be zero. This is because a moving body will cover at least some distance in a time interval but the displacement can be zero if the initial and final position of the body is same.

Example: A truck is moving at a "speed" of 70 km per hour. It describes speed of the truck. A truck is moving at a "velocity" of 70 km per hour towards the North. It describes velocity of the truck.

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  • -4

Speed is the magnitude of distance travelled per unit time, whereas velocity depends on the magnitude of distance travelled as well as the direction of motion. Speed is a scalar quantity, velocity is a vector. Speed cannot be negative, velocity can be negative. Average speed of an object after travelling a certain distance is always non-zero, but for velocity the average velocity can be zero (this follows from the previous idea).

  • 1

speed is distance travelled per unit time . it is also a scalar quantity.


velocity is distance travelled per unit time in a particular directionp . it is a vector quantity

  • -2

speed is a scalar quantity whereas velocity is a  vector quantity.

  • 4

The speed is always positive since direction is not taken into consideration whereas the velocity can be positive or negative depending upon the direction of motion.

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Speed is distance travelled per unit time whereas velocity is displacement travelled per unit time.
  • 2
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