do you think tha john A pescud is hypocrite


John’s behavior is definitely hypocritical. He openly denounces bestsellers claiming that they are quite unrealistic. He believes that the stories involving a boy and a girl in the so-called bestsellers are a far cry from reality. He tells the narrator that in real life, a boy normally looks for a girl who is somewhat familiar and wonders why people have an affinity for bestsellers.

However, when John narrates his love story to the narrator, we come to know that his love story was akin to what was normally written in the best sellers. John marries a girl who is not from her community or native place and who hails from an aristocratic family. This shows that John did not practice what he believed.

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 Yes, John does come across as a hypocrite. He criticises and mocks the stories of best-sellers calling them melodramatic and unrealistic. In real life, he behaves like the hero of a bestseller, chasing his girl, across various towns and stations, and proposes to her despite her royal Connections.

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 John A Pescud was a hypocrite as he believed that marriages of people from different background happen only in books (best sellers), but in real life, he married a girl (Jessie Allyn) who had a very different background from his.

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