does fungi divide by FRAGMENTATION ? if soGIVE EXAMPLE

Fragmentation:- It is a form of asexual reproduction in which an entirely new organism is formed from a fragment of the parent. It occurs in multicellular organisms, whose body organization is fairly simple such as annelids, starfish, fungi, lichens, and some algae such as   spirogyra.   The filaments of   spirogyra,   upon maturation, break into small pieces or fragments, which grow into new individuals.

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Fungi produce tiny filaments called Hypae. These hypae obtain food and nutrients from the body of other organisms to grow and fertilize. A piece of Hypae breaks off and grows into new individual and hence fragmentation takes place in Fungi.
Example - Moulds, Yeast and Mushrooms(Basidiomycetes)
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is'nt that spore formation
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There are multiple ways a fungus can reproduce being asexual or sexual like spore formation, binary fission, budding, fragmentation. its not that only spore formation takes place in fungi.
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