essay on mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled

Essay on the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled
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Essay on the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled
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mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled
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                Students are not to be filled with knowledge by teachers...but a candle to light/inspire. Facts may change so they need to want to learn more and be open to new ideas. Light a fire and they may keep going in research.It's one thing to fill one's mind with facts and ideas, and a different one entirely to fill it with curiosity and ambition, a need to discover and learn, to take those ideas to great heights. 

  The mind should not be empty but filled with the fire of knowledge. It also needs that desire of knowledge to get up and running.So that way you will not be wasting your mind but filling it with knowledge.So that you can learn something and put it to the test. Also so that you can impress people with how much you know.

"a fire to be kindled". This is a metaphor, where the fire in question is our mind and the substance needed to kindle the fire is knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful source that, like energy, is never created nor destroyed, but transformed. There is a never ending supply of knowledge for us to learn in our lifetimes, just like fuel for a fire. We need to keep this fire burning by always inquiring about the world that we live in, and applying that knowledge to serve a better purpose in the world. If the fire goes out, we "freeze" and ultimately die from the domino effect of not using our brains and making illogical decisions.

     "What about the first part, about the vessel?" Well the vessel does not represent our minds because the vessel starts off empty. Us as human beings come into this world with an instinct of curiosity. This instinct creates in us from young the urge to go out and find the answers to what we want to know. However, it's more than just collecting information, because that would simply fill up the vessel. What would we do if our minds were mere vessels? Nothing; for it is candidly a container to be filled. Our minds have the capacity to do much more than that. When we learn something new, it becomes a part of our daily lives. We use that knowledge to make pragmatic or erratic decisions, depending on the type of person one is. Nevertheless, the knowledge is there, and it is to be used accordingly, unlike a vessel. Hence why our minds are fires. When a fire is kindled with the necessary fuel, it serves a purpose. It creates energy, it provides warmth; and things like that are needed to survive. 


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Students are not to be filled with knowledge by teachers...but a candle to light/inspire. Facts may change so they need to want to learn more and be open to new ideas. Light a fire and they may keep going in research.

It's one thing to fill one's mind with facts and ideas, and a different one entirely to fill it with curiosity and ambition, a need to discover and learn, to take those ideas to great heights. 

  The mind should not be empty but filled with the fire of knowledge. It also needs that desire of knowledge to get up and running.So that way you will not be wasting your mind but filling it with knowledge.So that you can learn something and put it to the test. Also so that you can impress people with how much you know.

"a fire to be kindled". This is a metaphor, where the fire in question is our mind and the substance needed to kindle the fire is knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful source that, like energy, is never created nor destroyed, but transformed. There is a never ending supply of knowledge for us to learn in our lifetimes, just like fuel for a fire. We need to keep this fire burning by always inquiring about the world that we live in, and applying that knowledge to serve a better purpose in the world. If the fire goes out, we "freeze" and ultimately die from the domino effect of not using our brains and making illogical decisions.

     "What about the first part, about the vessel?" Well the vessel does not represent our minds because the vessel starts off empty. Us as human beings come into this world with an instinct of curiosity. This instinct creates in us from young the urge to go out and find the answers to what we want to know. However, it's more than just collecting information, because that would simply fill up the vessel. What would we do if our minds were mere vessels? Nothing; for it is candidly a container to be filled. Our minds have the capacity to do much more than that. When we learn something new, it becomes a part of our daily lives. We use that knowledge to make pragmatic or erratic decisions, depending on the type of person one is. Nevertheless, the knowledge is there, and it is to be used accordingly, unlike a vessel. Hence why our minds are fires. When a fire is kindled with the necessary fuel, it serves a purpose. It creates energy, it provides warmth; and things like that are needed to survive. 
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Students are not to be filled with knowledge by teachers...but a candle to light/inspire. Facts may change so they need to want to learn more and be open to new ideas. Light a fire and they may keep going in research.
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The saying "The mind is not vessel to be filled,but a fire to be kindled" means a lot to the present situation of education.Students should not be forced to acquire knowledge as filling something into an empty vessel.Education should be like a fire that is lit upon something that grows eventually to sustain.It is totally different that when a student is forced to acquire knowledge rather than tempted to acquire knowledge by his own interest and curiosity.

Students now-a-days lead a stress filled life.They get fed up due to overloaded homework,lots of books,project,etc.So it is extremely important to make them understand that "education is a part of life".They should bring about their hidden talents by inculcating the thoughts and good deed within themselves.It is not possible to fill minds with answers as it wouldn't remain stable in the student's mind.

So education should bring about an individuals talent and make him prosper in his life.He should understand that education should only be gained by understanding and not by mugging.Interest is the fire referred to here.When interest is grown into someones mind it will lead him to develop his interest which while insist him to research and question on topics that he come across.This will make him a well trained professional in his field rather than just well educated one.Interest should be kindled by knowledge.

Education without interest is just waste.Learning is different from studying.Learning gains you a long lasting memory with exact definition and understanding but studying is just a way of filling answers into minds without understanding it.
So education should be in such way that it helps you as well as your surroundings.Such education can be gained only through interest.
There is no use in just storing something in a vessel rather than sharing and making use of it.Same is education.There is not use in just gaining education.When it is shared and taught it attains its peak usage like the spreading fire when it is lit in one place and not like the stored content in vessel.
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your writing maths sums u no the answer then others your friends to tell answers
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  • your writing maths sums u no the answer then others your friends to tell answers
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The saying "The mind is not vessel to be filled,but a fire to be kindled" means a lot to the present situation of education.Students should not be forced to acquire knowledge as filling something into an empty vessel.Education should be like a fire that is lit upon something that grows eventually to sustain.It is totally different that when a student is forced to acquire knowledge rather than tempted to acquire knowledge by his own interest and curiosity.

Students now-a-days lead a stress filled life.They get fed up due to overloaded homework,lots of books,project,etc.So it is extremely important to make them understand that "education is a part of life".They should bring about their hidden talents by inculcating the thoughts and good deed within themselves.It is not possible to fill minds with answers as it wouldn't remain stable in the student's mind.

So education should bring about an individuals talent and make him prosper in his life.He should understand that education should only be gained by understanding and not by mugging.Interest is the fire referred to here.When interest is grown into someones mind it will lead him to develop his interest which while insist him to research and question on topics that he come across.This will make him a well trained professional in his field rather than just well educated one.Interest should be kindled by knowledge.

Education without interest is just waste.Learning is different from studying.Learning gains you a long lasting memory with exact definition and understanding but studying is just a way of filling answers into minds without understanding it.There is a saying.

"If you can't explain it to a 5 years old child then you yourself aren't thorough about the topic"

So education should be in such way that it helps you as well as your surroundings.Such education can be gained only through interest.

There is no use in just storing something in a vessel rather than sharing and making use of it.Same is education.There is not use in just gaining education.When it is shared and taught it attains its peak usage like the spreading fire when it is lit in one place and not like the stored content in vessel.
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The saying "The mind is not vessel to be filled,but a fire to be kindled" means a lot to the present situation of education.Students should not be forced to acquire knowledge as filling something into an empty vessel.Education should be like a fire that is lit upon something that grows eventually to sustain.It is totally different that when a student is forced to acquire knowledge rather than tempted to acquire knowledge by his own interest and curiosity.

Students now-a-days lead a stress filled life.They get fed up due to overloaded homework,lots of books,project,etc.So it is extremely important to make them understand that "education is a part of life".They should bring about their hidden talents by inculcating the thoughts and good deed within themselves.It is not possible to fill minds with answers as it wouldn't remain stable in the student's mind.

So education should bring about an individuals talent and make him prosper in his life.He should understand that education should only be gained by understanding and not by mugging.Interest is the fire referred to here.When interest is grown into someones mind it will lead him to develop his interest which while insist him to research and question on topics that he come across.This will make him a well trained professional in his field rather than just well educated one.Interest should be kindled by knowledge.

Education without interest is just waste.Learning is different from studying.Learning gains you a long lasting memory with exact definition and understanding but studying is just a way of filling answers into minds without understanding it.There is a saying.

"If you can't explain it to a 5 years old child then you yourself aren't thorough about the topic"

So education should be in such way that it helps you as well as your surroundings.Such education can be gained only through interest.

There is no use in just storing something in a vessel rather than sharing and making use of it.Same is education.There is not use in just gaining education.When it is shared and taught it attains its peak usage like the spreading fire when it is lit in one place and not like the stored content in vessel.
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Friends Can u guys explain me the saying ''Our mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled''
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mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled" Our mind isn't a mere receiver of the thoughts , which gathers them all without any practical usage or without any calculation of its own, but rather works on a complex process it works out each and every information or thought it gets, calculates and reaches a conclusion. And when it comes to the fact of mind not being a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled, undoubtedly it's cent per cent true. The statement itself has numerous meaning however all point to the fire, the ardent thirst , the quest for the ultimate goal of life - "Knowledge". Our mind isn't to be filled with knowledge- with facts and other's idea but we have to find knowledge on our own. In words of a philosopher - 'True knowledge isn't gained but made." Our mind is not a vessel that we copy someone knowledgable to get some of their ideas, their thinking and views . We need to realize that we ought to ignite our own mentality, our own intellect. The mind isn't a bottle to be filled with ideas gathered from the exterior world, but a piece of wood that has potentials of its own. It only needs a bit of kindling to set it in flames, to set it in a quest for truth and knowledge. Many great thinkers of the bygone era have had similar quotes. Socrates , William Butler Yeats and Plutarch included among them. When we give a little more thought to the saying, its amazing how very deep a meaning it offers. Consider this single instance- suppose Galilio didn't kindle his curiosity, suppose he filled his head with the wrong ideas. I don't need to tell you any further. So my friends as bearers of young blood, instead of cramming our heads with other's ideas , lets set our mind on fires, lets be original each one of us setting on quests of wisdom.
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मन एक खाली बर्तन नहीं जिसे भरा जाना है, बल्कि एक जवाला है जिसे प्रज्वलित किया जाना है। इस कथन का अर्थ है कि मनुष्य का मन खाली बर्तन के समान निशक्त ,असक्षम और शून्य नहीं है अपितु मन तो अग्नि के जैसा उर्जावान ,शक्तिशाली ,सक्षम और सक्रिय होता है। मन विचारो का जनक होता है ।प्रेरणादायक सुविचारों से मनुष्य किसी भी लक्ष्य को हासिल कर सकता है। हताश होकर , भाग्य को दोष देकर , प्रयास न करने से , कभी सफलता पाई न सकती। सफल होने के लिए मन की ज्वाला को प्रज्वलित करना होता है। मन में ऊर्जा और स्फूर्ति भर कर ही आगे जीवन में आगे बढ़ा जा सकता है। अंदर के डर को निकालकर मन में आत्मविश्वास जगाना होगा तभी समाज सुमार्ग पर चलकर विकसित होगा।मन में जोश भर कर समाज और अपने जीवन क्रांति लाई जा सकती है।मन से कुविचार को त्याग कर और सदाचार अपना कर ही सामाजिक कुरीतियों को दूर किया जा सकता है। स्वार्थ की भावना से ऊपर उठकर ,परोपकार को महत्त्व देना ही ,मानवता  है।मन चंचल भी होता है मतलब की उसे किस दिशा में जाना है यह हमें ही तय करना होता है।मन की अपार ऊर्जा को सही दिशा देना होगा।मन में अच्छे विचारो की ज्वाला पैदा कर ,दुनिया को उसके प्रकाश से रोशन करना ही सच्चा मानव धर्म है। इसलिए कहा जाता है कि मन एक खाली बर्तन नहीं जिसे भरा जाना है, बल्कि एक जवाला है जिसे प्रज्वलित किया जाना है।मन की शक्ति को पहचान कर, जीवन में आगे बढ़ो।
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Students are not to be filled with knowledge by teachers...but a candle to light/inspire. Facts may change so they need to want to learn more and be open to new ideas. Light a fire and they may keep going in research. It's one thing to fill one's mind with facts and ideas, and a different one entirely to fill it with curiosity and ambition, a need to discover and learn, to take those ideas to great heights. 

  The mind should not be empty but filled with the fire of knowledge. It also needs that desire of knowledge to get up and running.So that way you will not be wasting your mind but filling it with knowledge.So that you can learn something and put it to the test. Also so that you can impress people with how much you know.

"a fire to be kindled". This is a metaphor, where the fire in question is our mind and the substance needed to kindle the fire is knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful source that, like energy, is never created nor destroyed, but transformed. There is a never ending supply of knowledge for us to learn in our lifetimes, just like fuel for a fire. We need to keep this fire burning by always inquiring about the world that we live in, and applying that knowledge to serve a better purpose in the world. If the fire goes out, we "freeze" and ultimately die from the domino effect of not using our brains and making illogical decisions.

     "What about the first part, about the vessel?" Well the vessel does not represent our minds because the vessel starts off empty. Us as human beings come into this world with an instinct of curiosity. This instinct creates in us from young the urge to go out and find the answers to what we want to know. However, it's more than just collecting information, because that would simply fill up the vessel. What would we do if our minds were mere vessels? Nothing; for it is candidly a container to be filled. Our minds have the capacity to do much more than that. When we learn something new, it becomes a part of our daily lives. We use that knowledge to make pragmatic or erratic decisions, depending on the type of person one is. Nevertheless, the knowledge is there, and it is to be used accordingly, unlike a vessel. Hence why our minds are fires. When a fire is kindled with the necessary fuel, it serves a purpose. It creates energy, it provides warmth; and things like that are needed to survive. 

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" The mind is not a mere vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled"

Our mind isn't a mere receiver of the thoughts , which gathers them all without any practical usage or without any calculation of its own,  but rather works on a complex process it works out each and every information or thought it gets, calculates and reaches a conclusion.
And when it comes to the fact of mind not being a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled, undoubtedly it's cent per cent true.
The statement itself has numerous meaning however all point to the fire, the ardent thirst , the quest for the ultimate goal of life - "Knowledge".
Our mind isn't to be filled with knowledge- with facts and other's idea but we have to find knowledge on our own. 
In words of a philosopher - 'True knowledge isn't gained  but made."
Our mind is not a vessel that we copy someone knowledgable  to get some of their ideas, their thinking and views . We need to realize that we ought to ignite our own mentality, our own intellect. 

The mind isn't a bottle to be filled with ideas gathered from the exterior world, but a piece of wood that has potentials of its own. It only needs a bit of kindling to set it in flames, to set it in a quest for truth and knowledge.

Many great thinkers of the bygone era have had similar quotes. Socrates , William Butler Yeats and Plutarch included among them.

When we give a little more thought to the saying, its amazing how very deep a meaning it offers. 
Consider this single instance- suppose Galilio didn't kindle his curiosity, suppose he filled his head with the wrong ideas. I don't need to tell you any further.

So my friends as bearers of young blood, instead of cramming our heads with other's ideas , lets set our mind on fires, lets be original each one of us setting on quests of wisdom.
" The mind is not a mere vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled"

Our mind isn't a mere receiver of the thoughts , which gathers them all without any practical usage or without any calculation of its own,  but rather works on a complex process it works out each and every information or thought it gets, calculates and reaches a conclusion.
And when it comes to the fact of mind not being a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled, undoubtedly it's cent per cent true.
The statement itself has numerous meaning however all point to the fire, the ardent thirst , the quest for the ultimate goal of life - "Knowledge".
Our mind isn't to be filled with knowledge- with facts and other's idea but we have to find knowledge on our own. 
In words of a philosopher - 'True knowledge isn't gained  but made."
Our mind is not a vessel that we copy someone knowledgable  to get some of their ideas, their thinking and views . We need to realize that we ought to ignite our own mentality, our own intellect. 

The mind isn't a bottle to be filled with ideas gathered from the exterior world, but a piece of wood that has potentials of its own. It only needs a bit of kindling to set it in flames, to set it in a quest for truth and knowledge.

Many great thinkers of the bygone era have had similar quotes. Socrates , William Butler Yeats and Plutarch included among them.

When we give a little more thought to the saying, its amazing how very deep a meaning it offers. 
Consider this single instance- suppose Galilio didn't kindle his curiosity, suppose he filled his head with the wrong ideas. I don't need to tell you any further.

So my friends as bearers of young blood, instead of cramming our heads with other's ideas , lets set our mind on fires, lets be original each one of us setting on quests of wisdom.
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" The mind is not a mere vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled"

Our mind isn't a mere receiver of the thoughts , which gathers them all without any practical usage or without any calculation of its own,  but rather works on a complex process it works out each and every information or thought it gets, calculates and reaches a conclusion.
And when it comes to the fact of mind not being a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled, undoubtedly it's cent per cent true.
The statement itself has numerous meaning however all point to the fire, the ardent thirst , the quest for the ultimate goal of life - "Knowledge".
Our mind isn't to be filled with knowledge- with facts and other's idea but we have to find knowledge on our own. 
In words of a philosopher - 'True knowledge isn't gained  but made."
Our mind is not a vessel that we copy someone knowledgable  to get some of their ideas, their thinking and views . We need to realize that we ought to ignite our own mentality, our own intellect. 

The mind isn't a bottle to be filled with ideas gathered from the exterior world, but a piece of wood that has potentials of its own. It only needs a bit of kindling to set it in flames, to set it in a quest for truth and knowledge.

Many great thinkers of the bygone era have had similar quotes. Socrates , William Butler Yeats and Plutarch included among them.

When we give a little more thought to the saying, its amazing how very deep a meaning it offers. 
Consider this single instance- suppose Galilio didn't kindle his curiosity, suppose he filled his head with the wrong ideas. I don't need to tell you any further.

So my friends as bearers of young blood, instead of cramming our heads with other's ideas , lets set our mind on fires, lets be original each one of us setting on quests of wisdom.
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raunak raja band baja 
raunak chor betha bore
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make your mind clean and think your suggestion   
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which sub it come from
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this was asked by my friend and followed by many the sub is English and the topc from essay writing.(NISH)
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Ya its right
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ghuiya ka khet
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yes its some rights answer
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