explain any 5 features of political policy adopted by hitler after coming in power in 1933.

Policies adopted by Hitler once he came to power in 1933.

(a) Suspended civil rights.

(b) Communists sent to consertration camps.

(c) Introduced Enabling Act.

(d) Banning of all political parties and trade unions.

(e) State control over economy, media, army and Judiciary.

(f) Creation of special serveillance and security forces.

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  • 16

The prominent features of Hitler's political policy after he came to power were as follows:

  • Suspension of civic rights like freedom of speech, press and assembly. Spreading propaganda by targeting youth for recruitment to Nazi party.
  • Repression and persecution of political rivals like communists.
  • Passage of Enabling Act in 1933 that established dictatorship in Germany and banned all political parties and trade unions. Economic recovery through state funded work creation programme.
  • Creation of surveillance and secret police services like Gestapo and SS that were vested with extra-constitutional powers.
  • Aggressive foreign policy like reoccupation of Rhineland, pulling out of League of Nations and integration of Austria and Germany.

  • 9
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