explain sadao's character

Dr. Sadao Hoki remains true to his profession and his act of saving the dying American soldier conclusively proves it. In spite of his feelings for Japan, Sadao refuses to let the American soldier die of his wounds and this reflects the ethics of Sadao. He uses his own advanced knowledge of dressing wounds, to save the American soldier. Sadao does this being fully aware of the ire it would draw from the General. If Japan was at war with America, then shouldn't all American soldiers be considered enemies? However, Sadao rises about all this and proves himself to be a true humanitarian. He saves the American soldier disregarding the risk of dis-reputation and even endangering himself as well as his family. Thus, it can be said that first Sadao is a humanitarian and then a patriot. 

  • 48
‐ a renowned Japanese surgeon‐ believed in professional loyalty humankindness

‐ saw an American wounded soldier in a terrible condition on beach in front of his house

‐took him his house with the help of his wife Hana‐successfully removed thebullet

‐nursed him back to his life‐thus rose above racialism.

As a patriot, reported the prisoners presence at his house to the Army General. The general decided to have him killed

‐he grew vestless to see him finally decided to help him to escape form his house

‐gave him boats instructed him how he could safely escape
  • -2
‐ a renowned Japanese surgeon‐ believed in professional loyalty humankindness

‐ saw an American wounded soldier in a terrible condition on beach in front of his house

‐took him his house with the help of his wife Hana‐successfully removed thebullet

‐nursed him back to his life‐thus rose above racialism.

As a patriot, reported the prisoners presence at his house to the Army General. The general decided to have him killed

‐he grew vestless to see him finally decided to help him to escape form his house

‐gave him boats instructed him how he could safely escape
  • 8
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