Explain the different types of figures of speech ?

Here I am explaining you the different figures of speech in simple language:

1. Alliteration: It is a figure of speech used in poetry. It brings together words which begin with the same consonant sound.

Eg: the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew.

2. Onomatopoeia: In this figure of speech, the sound of words is made to suggest or echo the sense.

Eg: Ice in the cool regions crackled and howled.

3. Ironey: Ironey is a mode of speech in which the real meaning is exactly opposite of that which is literally conveyed.

Eg: Yet Brutus says he was ambitious and brutus is an honourable man.

4. Oxymoron: It is special form of antithesis  where 2 contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the same thing.

Eg: very bright darkness.. etc

5. Hyperbola: In hyperbola, statement is made emphatic by over statement.

Eg: He is far stronger than a lion.

6. Personification: In personification, aninate objects and abstract notions are spoken of as having life.

1. A lie has no legs.

7. Simile: Here the comparision is made by using like or as.

eg: he fight like a lion.

8. Metaphor: Here , the implicit comparison is made and hece there is no use of 'like ' and 'as.

Eg; He was the lion in the war.

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