Explain the rise of Napolean Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as military dictator in culmination of the following circumstances:

i) The fall of the Jacobin government and the subsequent ascendancy of wealthier middle classes.

ii) Introduction of a new constitution with the provision of two legislative councils along with denial of right to vote to non-propertied classes.

iii) Appointment of a Directory as an executive made up of five members in order to prevent concentration of power in one person like Robespierre during Jacobin rule.

iv) Political instability caused by the clashes among the Directors and the legislative councils who sought to dismiss them.

  • 146

Consider it meteoric.

The French people were very unhappy in that time.
They needed a new leader, someone new, someone they could trust to do something about the situation they were in. The streets of Paris were dirty and people were tired of the revolution. They needed someone to guide them.

When he helped the government with the royalists ,the government rewarded him. Bonaparte was promoted to Commander of the Interior and given command of the Army of Italy When he seemed to win many battles with practicaly nothing( He didn't have any artillery and the soldiers ate the horses) people started to gain interest in him.
They gave him more important things to do and when the moment was right he overthrew the French Directory and replaced it by the French Consolate.
Napoleon became First Consul.
A fixed referendum invested him with the title " First Consul for Life'
Six months later he proclaimed him Emperor of the French...

thumbs up please.....

  • -2

The fall of Jacobins Government after the reign of terror led to the establishment of the Directory, an executive made up of five members. These members often clashed with each other and with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss them. The political instability of the Directory paved the way for the rise of a military dictator like Napoleon Bonaparte who was rising swiftly in the ranks and making his presence felt.

  • 11

i answered it first of all and i answered it in few lines but gace a full sketch of napolean bonaprte :) so i deserve a thumbs up :P

  • -30
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