explain the unification of germany?

explain the unification of italy?

explain the unification of britain?

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1.  Frankfurt Parliament 1848 - The frankfurt parliament tried its best for the unification of germanyunder the leadership of king wilhem IVof prussia , but it failed . 

2.  Unification under the leadership of prussia - This liberal initiative to nation building was,however, repressed by the combined  forces of monarchy and the military , supported by the large landowners (called junkers) of prussia . From then on prussia took over the leadership of the movement for nation unification . Its chief minister , Otto Von Bismark , was the architect of the process , and carried out the movement for the national unification with the help of the prussian army and the bureaucracy.

3.  Role of Bismark - Bismark was one of the greatest sons of prussia who accomplished the supreme task of the unification of the germany with the help of army bureaucracy . He was convinsed that the unification of germany could be achieved only by the princess , and not by the people . he wanted to achieve his aim by not merging prussia into germany but rather by expanding prussia into germany .

4.  Three wars -  Bismarck's object of unifying germkany was accomplished by three wars ,  which were faught during abrief period of seven years (1864-1870)

5.  Final unification of germany - The above wars ended in prussian victory and help in completing the process of unification . On January 18,1871 , in the Royal palace of versailles , the King of Prussia was crowned as a german emperor and the ceremony symbolised in the eyes of the world , the newly  born unity of the german people .

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bhai vaibhav unification of italy bhi de de parso mera board exam hai

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BRITAIN - ther was no sudden up heaval or revolution

the primary identities of ppl were english, scottish,welsh, irish

as the english nation steadily grew in power importance and wealth it was able extend its inflouence over the other nations of the society.

The act of union in 1707 resulted in the formation of "united kingdom of great britain"

the new symbols wer the british flag{union jack} the national anthem {god save the noble king}

ITALY - italians were scattered over several dynastic states and the multi national habs burg empire

during the 19th century italy was divided in to 7 states out of which ony sardinia piedmont was under italian princely house

the north ws under habsburg empire, centre - pope , south - bourbon kings of spain

during 1830 guiseppe mazzini tried to unite the states

the failure of all attempets showed dat the ball was in the court of the italian prince

he cponquered all the states by war

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