Explain three points the importance of education as an input for growth of an individual as well as the society?

Education can ensure following 3 points --

  1. Population is seen as an asset for the economy rather than a liability,
  3. It enables the population to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product,
  5. It enables to create a virtuous cycle.
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       Education can ensure following 3 points --

  1. Population is seen as an asset for the economy rather than a liability,
  2. It enables the population to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product,
  3. It enables to create a virtuous cycle.
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  1. Population is seen as an asset for the economy rather than a liability,
  2. It enables the population to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product,
  3. It enables to create a virtuous cycle.
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Three points the importance of education

  1. Population is seen as an asset for the economy rather than a liability,
  2. It enables the population to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product,
  3. It enables to create a virtuous cycle

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Education is an important input for the growth.

It opens new horizon, provides new aspiration and develops values of life.

Education contributes towards the growth of society also.

It enhances the national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of governance.

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