explain with examples, how characteristics of a population change over the years for the following situations?
a) to gain survival advantage
b) due to accidental survival
c) temporary change of characteristics

A) To gain survival advantage the best example is provided by peppered moth. When industrialization occurred in England the green coloured peppered moth who blended perfectly with the green lichen coloured trees were easily preyed upon by predators as the tree trunks became black due to soot covering. In order to survive these moths then changed their colour to grey and now blended perfectly with soot coated trees.

B) Beetles have two colours either red or blue. It was seen that elephants crushed all red coloured beetle but not blue. Thus blue colour survives and hence this example shows accidental variation.

C) Speciation of any plant or animal to the modern one is an example of temporary change of characteristics so as to bring about a finally best suited species.

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