Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

  1. He was touched ---------pity when he heard the tale.
  2. The mother prevented her child ----------going out in the rain.
  3. The baby crawled -------- the table and hid there.
  4. The teacher complained -------- him when she met his mother in the market.
  5. Sheila insists --------- wearing that dress, although her mother thinks it is too short for her.
  6. There is always a demand ----------good tailors.
  7. Once upon a time the great king ruled ---------- all these villages and towns.

The required words in the following blanks are:

  • With
  • From
  • Under
  • About
  • On
  • For
  • Over

  • 44

1. with
2. from
3. under
4. about
5. on
6. for
7. over
  Hope these answers were of some help to you :-)))

  • 34
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