find the sum of all the natural numbers between 200 and 300 which are divisible by 4.

help plsss

The number between 200 and 300 which are divisible by 4 are 204, 208,.........,296.

204, 208,.........,296 are in AP.

Here a = 204 and d = 4

Let 296 be the nth term of the AP.

an = 296

∴ 204 +(n – 1) × 4 = 296                               ( an = a + (n – 1)d)

⇒ 4(n – 1) = 296 – 204 = 92

n – 1 = 23

n = 24

Sum of all natural number between 200 and 800 which are divisible by 4

= 12 (408 + 23 × 4)

= 12 (408 + 92)

= 12 × 500

= 6000

  • 15

 a = 200

an = 300  

d = 4

an = a+ (n-1) d

n = 26

sum is 670.



hope u got

  • -4

awww...thnkya sis...

love ya....ur too gudd..:P

  • 5

 ur most welcome


  • -2

sir i think  Oshei's answer is wrong.

  • -1
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