formation of clouds is a physical change explain

Formation of clouds is a physical change because when water evaporates in the process of evaporation it goes into air and form clouds by the process of condensation .

This water goes back to earth by precipitation.This process is repeated again and again.

That's why formation of clouds is a physical change

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as it is a repeted process water evaporates forms clods when condensed and then when clouds cannot hold the water it falls in form of rain hail or snow and then runnoff happens it continous forever

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We know air contains water vapor. When warm water rises in the atmosphere it expands and cools. As the air containing water vapor cools, some of the vapor condenses and sticks to tiny dust particles that are floating in air. So what we have now is tiny droplets of water around each dust partcle in the cool air. When many such droplets come together they become a white visible cloud.That's why formation of clouds is a physical change.

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