fossil fuels need to be urgently conserved why?

Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels. They have been in existence for millions of years. Many people use these fuels as an energy source. However, fossil fuels are non-renewable; if resources are depleted, they will never be available again. It is therefore important to conserve fossil fuels, using alternative sources of energy when possible.

Fossil Fuels in Modern Times

In modern times, fossil fuels are used for a variety of purposes in addition to heating and light.In the 1800s, coal stoves were common. These stoves worked somewhat like fireplaces. People filled the stove with coal and lit the coal to generate heat. Coal is not a popular heating source today, but is used to generate electricity. Coal is also used in the production of glass, cement, pottery and steel, as well as in medicines such as aspirin.Oil has a wide variety of uses. In addition to being a viable heating and lighting source, it is used in the production of gasoline, which powers motor vehicle engines. It also is used in the synthesis of plastics and in aspirin.Natural gas is used both residentially and commercially. Homes all over the U.S. use natural gas for cooking, heating and lighting purposes. It is also used to generate electricity.

How Fossil Fuels Are Made

Fossil fuels take millions of years to create. In the distant past, dead trees and other plants sank to the bottom of the ocean, forming a layer of material known as peat. Over time, rocks and sand overlaid this material. The weight of the rocks and sand put pressure on the peat, squeezing moisture out of it. Fossil fuels formed out of this process.

Fossil Fuels are Nonrenewable

Since fossil fuels take millions of years to create, they are nonrenewable. Once the resources are depleted, people will not be able to obtain any more coal, gas or oil. These fuels are needed for a variety of items that make our lives easier or prolong our lives. For this reason, it is important to conserve fossil fuels by using them as sparingly as possible and finding alternative sources of energy to perform some of the functions that we currently rely upon fossil fuels to perform.

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Now, all of us know that fossil fuels are some natural resources which are formed in millions of years from dead and decayed remains of organisms.......These are limited iin nature and will soon get exhausted if not carefully extracted and used....Therefore it is neccessary that fossil fuels should be used only in utmost requirement ......Moreover excessive use of fossil fuels also spoils our conserve ,,,some tips are given below- at constant speed.

2. switch off the engine at red light.

3. try to walk at nearby markets instead of using scooties etc..

4. use hydal, solar and wind energy....afap.....

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