give 5 uses of artificial satellites???

 uses of aritifical satellites-


2.Collecting forestry data.

3.Groundwater survey.




7.Estimating the damage dueto floods.

8.Locating the debris of crashed aeroplanes.

9.Detection of underground nuclear test.

10.Assesment of crop diseases.

  • 11
Artificial satellites are used to take pictures of space so we know what is going on up there and so we can see whats on the planets without going up there and another reason is that it can forcast weather because it is going around the world it can see what is going on with the wind and the clouds so it can help warn the people when there is a tornado or a hurricane coming. They also tell us about the movement of everything in space, like for a meteor or comet is going to cross the earth, then warning can be given a long time before.
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 remote sensing

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 The world's firs

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The 6 uses are:

  • Weather Forecast
  • Take pictures of Space
  • Observe Earth
  • Keep updated on planets
  • Spying
  • Communication

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Thnxx 2 all 4 answring d ques...

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  • -2

Welcome... :D

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1. remote sensing 

2. communication

3. weather forecast

4. take pictures of space and places

5. spying

6. groundwater survey

  • 3

1. Telecommunicaton

2. Remote Sensing

3. Forecasting Weather

4. Transmitting Radio Signals

5. Transmitting Television Signals

  • 12

remote sensing,forecasting weather,transmitting radio signals,telecommunication etc

  • 5

 1. remote sensing

2. telecommunication

3. forecasting Weather

4. Transmitting Radio & television signals

  • 5

Thnxx 2 all... :) :) :)

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