Give three functions of areolar tissue.

@Prajwal: You may refer to the answers provided by your friends.

@others: Good work! Keep it up.

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The three main functions or key functions of areolar tissue are :

  • Support
  • Strength, and
  • Elasticity.
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Found throughout the body, areolar tissue is a type of connective tissue. It consists of cells and various properties of the tissue’s intercellular matrix. Cushioning surrounding organs, connecting different tissues, and supporting blood vessels represent just a few of the functions of this specific connective tissue.

Since areolar tissue can be found lining blood vessels, the tissue also reaches into organs, muscles and tendons. Along with the job of supplying blood to the epithelial tissue, it provides leukocytes when necessary. Leukocytes fight infection within the cavities, organs and tissues of the human body

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Areolar tissue binds skin to the muscles beneath.
This loose connective tissue also forms a link between organs - while also enabling a high degree of movement between adjacent body parts.

The key functions of areolar tissue can be summarised as providing:

  • Support
  • Strength, and
  • Elasticity.
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i hope u got ur answer

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Areolar Tissue: It consists of matrix, several types of cell, collagen and elastin fibres. They are found between the skin and the muscles, around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow.


  • It fills the space inside the organ.
  • It supports the internal organ.
  • It helps in the repair of the tissues.
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