Helen Keller's ' The story of my life ' is an inspiraion to many. Give some instances from the story to support your answer.

Helen Keller's 'Story of My Life' is a tale of the indomitable human spirit, and how if one has the will power, and the patience to persevere, one can conquer every challenge in life, no matter how difficult they may be. The book serves as an inspiration to millions around the world, and instances like when Helen became determined that she will learn natural speech, the first time she learned to associate words and their meanings, her going to college and clearing all her exams etc. give hope to anyone who reads it. The challenges that Helen Keller had to overcome, being both deaf and blind were humngous, but she through sheer will power, not only overcame then, but made the best out of everything, hence she is an inspiration to everyone, who is faced with challenges in life.

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