hey somebody plz explain me the four games in virtually true yaar....

 In detail?

  • -14
  1. As Michael begins playing " Wild West " he becomes a sheriff who is challengedby Jed a dead shot. Michael is joined by another sheriff who advices him to escape. While Michael is able to escape, the other sheriff ( Sebastin Shultz ) is shot.
  2. Next day MIchael gets a message from Shultz to play " Dragonquest " to save him. In this game too Michael is able to escape but not Shultz.
  3. Again a mesage comes that Michael should save Shultz by playing " Jailbreak ". Again, while Michael is able to survive, Shultz is not.
  4. As a last resort Michael plays " War Zone " in which Sebastin Shultz again is defeated and killed. Michael, then suddenly sees the picture of this boy Sebastin Shultz in a newspaper which tells how Shultz had met with an accident and lay in coma, before being saved miraculously. So, Michael realizes that Shultz, the boy in the games, really existed. Apparently, the game they had bought was stolen from Shultz and carried his " memory ". This is where, Michael realizes, the line between reality and " virtual relity " gets burred and one does not know what is real and what is " virtually true .

hope it helped u

  • 12

hey did u see ra1 it is alike this 

here two r main charachters micheal and sebastian...seb wen was playin the games met wit an acident and slippped into come coz his memory was still wit the comp game .so this lot of games were stolena nd pirated into a comp fare

here micheal and his dad buy this set of games wen micheal enters the game he finds his coplayer tat is seb..aftr every loss in his game he wud get a txt by seb at last he wins the games.and later he comes acorss a miracle discovery wen he reads the article in the news paper he gets to no abt seb story 



for ur reference 

para 1-10   micheal train jiurney wen he comes across the miraculous recovery

11 -14  micheals dads intrest in physco drive games

16 -33wild west

37-50 dragon quest

51-62 jail break

67-82  final game war zone he wins

84-96  how seb enterd in micheal comp

  • -2

thanks abhirami and shouri....

  • -5

They bought virtual reality visor and glove, and a handful of the latest interactive psycho-drive games.

After coming back home, Michael played the wilder west game, a very complicated game. He was enjoying the game. He was surprised to find the second sheriff in the game who again and again asked him not to go out. Michael was curious to know who he was as he was like the other characters in the saloon. Michael thought that he was of his age but he was different in that he couldn't move like the narrator. The second sheriff told that he lacked time to explain him regarding this and told him just to follow him. They then raced down a corridor, and through a door. Other sheriff shouted to go forward. So, they went on through another another door, and another ,and ended up back in the saloon. No! Screamed the second sheriff. Then he ran to the back of the saloon and dived through the window. By the time Michael climbed out after him, he was already sitting on a horse. Then asked Michael to jump up and after that he kicked the horse, and sped of in a cloud of dust. Then he asked to keep his head down as he had seen the posse of men on horse back speeding after them. At that moment, the sound of a gunshot echoed round the air. The second sheriff groaned and slumped back against Michael. Ahead of Michael, in bright neon lights came a message, game over. As he slipped off the visor, the empty dessert disappeared and he found himself back in the power-base. He took off the glove and headphones. He then glanced at the score on the screen 21,095. 

Dragonquest:He noticed the printer had come on. He picked up the piece of paper from the tray. At the top was a picture of the second sheriff. This time though, he was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Printed over the bottom was a message. I am stuck .Please Help to retrieve me. Try 'Dragonquest.'Sebastian Shultz. He was about to play the game but the light went off. So, the next morning he sat on the computer and was soon walking through the massive studded doors of the dragon 's castle lair. The aim of the game was simple. He had to rescue the fair princes Aurora from the wicked dragon and collect the wicked creature's treasure along the way. The Princess, who had been imprisoned at the top of a tall tower, was a young woman with long golden plaits. She addressed me as she could hear the roar of the dragon roaring.But soon he was warned not to rescue her. At this Michael got frightened.

The second knight nodded was furious and with a pair of scissors he chopped off the princess's two long plaits. Then he tied them together, fixed one end round the bedpost and threw the other end out of the window. As he leapt for the window and down the hair rope, the dragon appeared. As Michael lowered down he felt the dragon's fiery breath. Across the moonlight battlements, the princess and Michael ran down a spiral staircase and through a secret passage on the other side of a tapestry. And the whole time he could hear and feel and even smell the evil dragon following in close pursuit. The dungeons, “Sir, Sebastian cried out. They're our only hope.” They went down the cold stone steps, swords drawn. Suddenly, the dragon appeared at the end of the corridor. Michael swung his sword but was in vain as the dragon was only interested in Sebastian and there was nothing he could do to prevent it getting him. And the message flash “Better luck next time. Please don’t give up, Michael. Otherwise I'll have to stay in here for ever. Try “Jail break” I think it might just work! Cheers, SEB”

Jail break:While playing the game he did not bother to read the rules as he knew that he had to rescue the boy whose prison number was to 02478: Shultz. With the help of a skeleton swipe -card , both of them were soon out of the cell and racing down corridors. Sirens wailed, guard dogs howled, heavy boots came tramping. Behind them steel-barred doors slammed shut. They cut the guards, fled the dogs and ran towards the staircase and pounded upwards. On the roof, Sebastian looked round, and glanced at his watch nervously. As they were approaching the helicopter, the door behind them burst open. Twelve guards with vicious dogs were standing there. The next instant the dogs were hurtling towards them,all bared teeth and dripping jowls. The dogs made Sebastian frightened: he slipped and was tumbling back through the air, down to the concrete below.

In the next moment as he removed his visor and looked in the printer tray there was no message left for him. The narrator thought that he had failed Sebastian and the game. But when the scenes began to fade in his memory , that it occurred to him that Sebastian Shultz was the game. So, to find Sebastian he went back to Wildwest, Dragonquest and jail break but he could not meet him again.

After few days he got the message “Can we have one last try ?I think the helicopter was the right Idea. There's got to be some kind of an accident...Go into Warzone . If this does not work I won't bother you again. Cheers . SEB”.

Warzone:The narrator was not sure of which war zone they were in. It was a city somewhere. The tall buildings were windowless and riddled with holes. Machine gun fire raked the sky. Walls tumbled. Bombs exploded. The thing only they knew was that Sebastian and he had to make it to sniper fire. At the far end they went through a door in a wall. The helicopter was on the ground, waiting for their arrival. They started to run , but the tank fire sent them scuttling back to the wall. All of a sudden Sebastian jumped into a jeep which was parked by the road and turned the ignition key and revived the engine. He asked Michael also to jump in and both of them went off. A tank was hurtling after them. Suddenly, Sebastian slammed on the brakes and sent the Jeepskidding into a spin. The narrator leapt clear, and jumped into the helicopter. But Sebastian could not . He was sitting as if his body had been turned to stone. And the tank which was chasing the Jeepcrashed and Sebastian was thrown into the air. Somehow the narrator pulled him up and rescued Sebastian at last! The game was over and Michael has scored 40,000 which hit the jackpot and cracked the game.

  • 66

 Write the whole chapter in the question paper Abhirami! Though it is correct, please try to make your points concise! Only write this if asked for 150-200 words! But even then this is a lot. Learn to summarize the imp. points

  • -5
  • The first game was Wildwest. In this game there were three main characters, Sheriff Dawson, Black-Eyed Jed and Sebastian, who was not actually supposed to be in the game. In the end of this game, Sebastian gets shot and the game is over.
  • The next game played is Dragonquest. The objective in this game is to rescue the fair princess Aurora from the wicked dragon and collect the treasure along the way. While trying to rescue Aurora, Michael sees Sebastian, and they both try to escape. However, Sebastian is caught by the dragon, and the game ends.
  • The third game is Jailbreak. In this game, Michael and Sebastian try to escape from the prison, but, as Sebastian's helicopter arrives, he takes a step backwards and falls, thus resulting in the ending of the game.
  • The fourth and final game played by Michael is Warzone. In this game the two try to escape, by using the helicopter again. To get to the helicopter, they use a jeep. Michael gets in first, but Sebastian in paralysed due to shock, but somehow, he is flung to the helicopter, and the game is won.
  • 76

thanks buddies......

  • 4
wildwest, dragonquest, jailbreak ,and war zone
  • -7
Tnx to all of u for helping students like me :~)
  • 6
abhirami you would have mentioned it in the first answer itself.

but thanks !!!
  • -2
Thanks to all dear buddies
  • -6
Thanks mainly to abirami
  • -2
refer only abhirami vimal
  • 1
Nice answer . Was helpful
  • 0
Thanks to abhirami.helpul but lengthy
  • 0
  • 0
  • -4
  • -5
  • -8
  • 1
  • -4
  • -4
  • 1
nice answer ..
  • 1
I got nice marks .
  • 3
The first game was Wildwest. In this game there were three main characters, Sheriff Dawson, Black-Eyed Jed and Sebastian, who was not actually supposed to be in the game. In the end of this game, Sebastian gets shot and the game is over. The next game played is Dragonquest. The objective in this game is to rescue the fair princess Aurora from the wicked dragon and collect the treasure along the way. While trying to rescue Aurora, Michael sees Sebastian, and they both try to escape. However, Sebastian is caught by the dragon, and the game ends. The third game is Jailbreak. In this game, Michael and Sebastian try to escape from the prison, but, as Sebastian's helicopter arrives, he takes a step backwards and falls, thus resulting in the ending of the game. The fourth and final game played by Michael is Warzone. In this game the two try to escape, by using the helicopter again. To get to the helicopter, they use a jeep. Michael gets in first, but Sebastian in paralysed due to shock, but somehow, he is flung to the helicopter, and the game is won
  • 0
refer to this channel on youtube :- Bhai Ki Padhai
  • 1
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