how are the grasslands of the world classified ?
what is mixed farming?

The grasslands of the world are classified on the basis of their location into two categories. These are tropical and temperate grasslands.

Mixed farming is a type of agricultural practice in which different activities are conducted on the same farm. The purpose is to increase the income through different sources. Eg. Farming of crops and rearing cattle on the same land is known as mixed farming. It helps in recycling soil nutrients by crop rotation. It also helps in maintaining soil biodiversity and prevents soil erosion.

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They are classified into two categories-

*Temperate Grasslands

*Tropical Grasslands

Mixed farming exists in many forms depending on external and internal factors. External factors are weather patterns, market prices, political stability, technological developments, etc. Internal factors relate to local soil characteristics, composition of the family and farmers' ingenuity. Farmers can decide to opt for mixed enterprises when they want to save resources by interchanging them on the farm - because these permit wider crop rotations and thus reduce dependence on chemicals, because they consider mixed systems closer to nature, or because they allow diversification for better risk management.

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Mixed farming: Mixed farming is the combining of two independent agricultural enterprises on the same farm. A typical case of mixed farming is the combination of crop enterprise with dairy farming or in more general terms, crop cultivation with livestock farming. Mixed farming may be treated as a special case of diversified farming. This particular combination of enterprises, support each other and add to the farmer’s profitability.

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